We, Johs. Stelten GmbH & Co. KG, see nature, society, the economy, and each individual enterprise as part of a global ecological system whose balance and diversity are essential for the continued existence of all life, and, being a commercial enterprise, we commit ourselves to our special responsibility.
Preserving natural living conditions
Based on this belief we are committed to the following principles:
STELTEN attaches fundamental importance to safety and the protection of people and the environment. The company management will regularly review these environmental guidelines with regard to new requirements, create methods for their effective implementation in everyday operations, and provide the necessary resources.
STELTEN encourages a sense of personal responsibility for the environment among all its employees and sharpens their awareness for any possible environmental impact caused by our business activities and our services.
STELTEN continually works on expanding our knowledge of the impact our services and activities have on people and the environment.
STELTEN will avoid any environmental pollution beyond meeting all existing environmental laws and regulations and continuously improve its environmental performance according to business-relevant criteria.
STELTEN closely co-operates with the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein to continuously work on and successfully implement topics like “sustainability” and “energy efficiency”.
STELTEN has its environmental management continuously reviewed by independent environmental auditors.